EpilSmart, the new method for permanent laser hair removal tailor-made for you is an exclusive of Beauty Smart.
The new protocol was created specifically to guarantee total results relaxation in the minimum number of sessions.
After years of experience and specialization in the field of laser hair removal, hundreds of successful cases, Marta Di Carlo has managed to develop a new method and a completely different approach compared to what 99% of competing operators uses to do.
Our exclusive method
It was possible to achieve exceptional results by acting on all aspects of the treatment:
1) the Equipment:
- We went to Germany to find the best equipment around. The newest Laser Built by theworld leader in the Laser Diode field,
- Laser three times more powerful than the previous one,
- improved skin cooling system, therefore treatments in total relaxation and effectively pain-free.
- shorter and therefore more effective pulse, no other laser on market has similar characteristics, this detail alone can reduce the number of sessions by up to 30%
2) We have revolutionized the way we choose the operating parametersadattandolo al massimo alla tipologia di pelle, alla tipologia di pelo, al tuo stato fisico e alle tue abitudini, sia alimentari che sociali.
3) We have also rationalized and radically changed theprotocollo di movimenti manuali to be performed with the laser handpiece, the sequence of preparation for the laser hair removal session and the post-treatment session.
4) Newgels operating athigh performance, which allow the performance of the treatment to be increased both in terms of comfort and effectiveness. Only this precaution allowed us to considerably increase the number of affected follicles.
We know if you will get results!
The EpilSmart Method consists of an initial cognitive consultation, in which Marta and Valentina they will have to understand first of all if Laser hair removal canguarantee results.
If this method cannot solve your problem (there are very few cases but there are) we will tell you clearly and we won't make you spend a cent. We treatonly cases that we know can achieve results. In fact, unlike other centers, before selling you a coupon or a package of sessions sight unseen, we want to be sure that laser hair removal is the solution to your problem and that there are no contraindications for your health.
The First Consultation
The first consultation consists of a vision of theskin and hair conditionand an interview with aquestionnaire with a number of questions that may vary from case to case. If we believe that you can achieve the result you are looking for, we proceed by giving you detailed instructions on how to prepare your skin for the first hair removal session. If you are cooperative and follow oursimple instructions you will obtain better results in less time and at lower cost.
After the first laser hair removal treatment you will be told after how long to return for the second session. The interval between one session and another may vary based on a series of factors, which will be explained to you following the first consultation.
It's time to get rid of your hair.
Fallo nella maniera giusta, non ti affidare a chi:
- sells before having analyzed the problem,
- doesn't tell you which laser they use (the laser market is a jungle, a laser from China costs very little, a German, American or Israeli laser costs as much as an apartment...).
- promises you results in a pre-established number of sessions,
- use the machine with the operating parameters indicated in the information leaflet and does not have the necessary experience to adapt them to you. (that really makes all the difference in the world).
- to those who offer rock bottom prices, but this applies in all fields as you already know.
Hundreds of cases successfully resolved
It's right to dream of having the || |119pelle liscia and without the embarrassing blemish of hair, even for teenagers adolescenti.
In Over the years we have treated hundreds of people with laser hair removal. Many of them experienced their "hairiness" with suffering and embarrassment. Many of them were prevented from social gatherings because of their hair, and in the most serious cases were even made fun of. Now they live their second life, a better life, a hairless life. They have regained confidence, they no longer have to preclude appointments because they haven't waxed. They can play sports, spend a day in the pool or at the seaside. All this, without being the object of looks of derision or disapproval from non-furry people.
Don't be discouraged.
If you started elsewhere, put us to the test, compare us with others!|| |130
Molte persone si sono rivolte a Marta dopo aver fatto sedute in altri centri. Trattamenti che avevano fatto ritornare il cliente al punto di partenza dopo aver speso tempo e denaro. Erano ormai scoraggiati e delusi. Capivamo lo scoramento e la frustrazione di non aver risolto il problema, capivamo che molte di loro non erano disposte a nuovi tentativi. Purtroppo il settore dell’epilazione laser è diventato una giungla di opportunisti e non c’era da aspettarsi che una sola persona che aveva ricevuto una fregatura potesse chiederci di mettere alla prova il nostro metodo. Ci sbagliavamo, è bastato che qualche deluso parlasse con qualche sua amica affidata alle cure di EpilSmart per farle capire che si parlava di pianeti diversi, che era il caso di riprovare, da professionisti dell’epilazione però. Poi è bastata una seduta di epilazione laser con il metodo EpilSmart perchè capissero che la soluzione era davanti a loro.
We can't do anything for the money and time you gave to other centers. To help you win the war with hair...count on us!
Read the questions and answers on Laser Hair Removal.